No photos today, as no photo is capable of truly expressing the horror through which I am currently suffering. Summer has hit Gifu. And the heat. Oh, the heat. Yesterday, when coming home from church at five in the afternoon, it was still 34˚C, and stayed above 30 well into the night. Today, we hit 37˚C, and it looks to be only worse from here on in.
If the heat alone were not bad enough, there is also the humidity. A number of days have started with a storm, or shower, that then passes away leaving the water to morph into an oppressive and inescapable steam. I have morphed into a strange rodent-like creature, scuttling between air-conditioned areas, being convinced to leave for survival purposes only. I have been trying to stay hydrated, but it seems no matter how much I drink, I still end up feeling like a wilted flower.
Every day, I long for the beach, yet every day I once again am faced by the cruel sight of the surrounding mountains, caging me in to my overheated prison. I know it is winter in Australia, but I still feel many of you will be able to sympathise with my anguish. When I get back to Sydney, I will go to the beach every day for a month straight and recite to it the lovesick poems I currently write in my fevered haze.
Until then, the heat is dictating my life, leaving me no opportunity for attractive photos or fun adventures. Nonetheless, I hope to write soon of more happy subjects! Until then, for those of you in Australia, feel a little less sad about the drabness of winter, summer isn't so great for me either!
This is great. Many chuckles!